Magniplast spa | vetroresina

frp panels

For years Magniplast has been a leader in the production of opaque laminates for the breeding farms. The reason is simple. Magniplast's OPAQUE and TRANSLUCENT laminates withstand the hardest conditions created in stables and on farms. On the contrary iron products erode quickly due to the aggressive chemicals.

For coverings or internal/external cladding, only Magniplast laminates will do.

Recommended products

FILON flat rolls are also widely used, by sandwich panel producers, as bottom cladding panel, where the panel is applied in aggressive environments like breeding farm or agriculture.

TOPACO is GRP straight sheet, fully opaque. It is obtained with an high temperature production process that gives high structural durability.

Ricerche dei nostri utenti

laminati vetroresina


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laminati plastica


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materiale plastico


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